Posted on My 25, 2015 on The Mystic Journey Bookstore Blog
Monday, May 25th through Sunday, May 31st
This Week: Change Through Remembrance
with Guinevere
The theme for this week is learning to use our past experiences to create the future that we want.
Briefly, my Guides wanted me to bring forth to all of us the need to not repeat patterns that no longer serve us. How many civilizations does it take for us to really get it, especially in regards to unfairness, poverty, unrest, greed, and war? It is important for all of us to pay attention to the consequences of our daily actions, ideally, as we are living them. If that doesn’t happen, then at least try to do something to fix or change them soon afterwards. The key is remembering that it starts with each one of us as the tiny spark of an individual combines with others and together creates the changes that are needed. As long as we can be in that frame of mind, we are actually helping to change things on a global scale. Every little bit really does help.
Take the California drought, for example: I have been feeling the urgent need to try to help in whatever small way that I can. I truly feel that this is really, really important and not something that we should be taking lightly. Each one of us can help with the drought by making changes in how we do things. We can really help change what may come into play through conservation now! (Editor’s note: check out Guinevere’s recent blog post for ideas!)
In all matters, it always starts with oneself first. No matter how small it is, once combined with others it can mean everything. What we put our thoughts and minds to is what comes to fruition. As the amazing sleeping prophet Edgar Cayce said long ago “Thoughts are things”. Thoughts create our world so clearly, so you really must ask yourself on a daily basis: What am I thinking about?
In addition to the following, Guinevere channeled a reading in honor of Memorial Day. Click here to read it
I asked my Guides else we needed to know and I pulled three cards from the three different decks that I was guided to use that brought in some magic, lightness, and balance to this week’s forecast.
What is interesting was that the recurring theme coming into play for the week, along with remembrance, was change. I really, really love how synchronicity works and remembering there are never any accidents when you pull cards – you always get what you are supposed to get – so, interestingly enough, I got change all over the reading along with Guidance from Heaven which is, of course, Source, Guides, Angels and Loved Ones. I personally feel that the connection we all have to our guides and angels is quite profound and it was really confirmed to me again during this reading.
Here is a condensed interpretation of the wealth of information this reading brought:
So, in the first deck Talking to Heaven:
I pulled “I am not dead” which I feel is so profound with what we are speaking about here today. That as was mentioned above, we are Spirit and we are forever and the sooner we can look at our life in that way, the sooner we will feel more of our freedom to truly live the way we are meant to!

I Am Not Dead (from Doreen Virtue and James Van Praagh’s Talking To Heaven Mediumship Cards)
Change (from Doreen Virtue’s Magical Unicorn Deck)

In the past few weeks or months, you may have been feeling a sense of urgency to change something or even of being backlogged. This card comes in when there is is a need to get on track, so take the time to do that now through changing what you need to change in your life.
Though nothing ever stays the same, it helps when we bring in new thoughts and ideas that open us up and can lead us to new opportunities. It is through staying open and in balance and looking out for ourselves and others while going through different changes that then allows us to truly feel the possibilities. During this time, try to find a way to go with the flow, if you can. Relax and take time for you!
These sweet cards just wanted to be heard, so I received 4 cards at once. To me, this spread really is very magical for all of us. (From Doreen Virtue’s Magical Mermaids & Dolphins Oracle Cards)

The Universe wants us to “Make a Wish” in regards to what you would like for your life now and to expect good things to come in from the Universe.
Major “Blessed Changes” are coming your way for your life, so stay positive – this is a confirmation again.
“You’re Being Helped” and even if you are not exactly seeing any results right now, be patient and have faith. They are working on things.
“Accept Heaven’s Help” and stay open and say yes! For if you don’t stay open and truly want it, how can you receive what is coming your way?
As we all are intuitively feeling whether we really realize it or not, it is a time of extreme awareness. Things are intensifying in all ways and it is very beneficial for achieving the changes in your life that you want. Continue to get your house in order, both in the physical and spiritual sense.
Just remember that things are truly unfolding for each and every one of us, in the most divine and perfect way and to always ask your Guides for the help that you need, this is the key for all of us!
The crystal that is perfect for this week’s forecast is Rose Quartz: because we all need some Love!
Wishing you Peace and Blessings, until next time.
Love, Guinevere xo
This week’s contributor is Guinevere. Guinevere is Clairvoyant (sees), Clairaudient (hears), Clairsentient (feels), Claircognizant (knows), a Medium, and a Channel. Her readings specialize in Intuitive Life Path and Angelic Guidance. During your session, she will incorporate channeled messages from your Guides as well as tools like Tarot Cards, Angel Oracle Cards, Fairy Oracle Cards and various crystals to help clarify what is most needed for you at this time on your journey.
Guinevere is able to see a person’s energetic blueprint and intuitively zero-in on what needs to be cleared and shifted energetically. She can then provide specific, guided steps that are needed to help facilitate that change. In her 15 years of professional intuitive experience and extensive traveling, Guinevere has amassed an international clientele who can attest to the happiness, clarity, and light that her readings have provided them.