Posts Tagged: mount shasta


Please do re-read last year’s predictions!


Much of what I talked about last year is still coming to pass in 2017.

All of us on the planet are at a crossroads and it can go either way depending on the energy and direction that we want it to go.  As you know the energy since last year is continuing to be erratic.  So it is in our hands.  Choose what kind of energy you want for your world…….now.



One of the things that will continue from last year, will be the theme of love and we will see more and more of it in the midst of the extremes of intolerance and discrimination,  etc.  But the beauty is and will be, from the coming together of all of us, through the difficulties and the realization of what truly is really important in life.  Peace and Love will prevail!  Believe it!


Everyone, no matter who you are or what you look like, will need to be just a bit more aware and smart when you are out and about.  Be in your love, but also alert and conscious of what is going on around you.  This is a smart practice to be used in our world, on a day to day basis and absolutely not in a fear based way.  : )

Everyone (the people of America and the world) will be hoping that things will calm down so that they can feel some sense of normalcy and security in what is coming, but I do not feel that it will fully come into play here, yet, as we have much to change.  I feel also, that this has a lot to do with the theme from last year, which is still Truth.  I feel anything that has been hidden will be shown as it (the energy of our world/Universe) cannot sustain the secrets anymore.  You are going to have a lot of people in high positions of government and with corporations that are going to have all of their secrets come out.  Many times people in positions of power think that they are invincible, but you know, there is much to be said for living a life of truth, fairness, integrity and honor.  There is no better feeling in the world than to be able to look in the mirror each day and know you didn’t sell your soul for fame, a job, power or money.

As I mentioned last year too….stand, speak and be in your truth because if you are not and you are lying, about anything, the Universe will find a way to show that you are, for all to see.  That is multiplied X 10 this year.

It is alway important to stand up for injustice, wherever it is coming from.  We must look out and care for each other especially if there is any kind of mistreatment be it in the workplace or at home.   People must be cared for and treated with love, dignity and respect for who they are and for their gifts at all times. So, bottom line this is about each and every one of us changing to become better people within ourselves and as a whole for our planet.


I feel do not expect anything and I mean anything, to stay or get back to the same right now.  I feel that anything that you are truly dependent on, is going to have to have a different viewpoint that shifts, so try to find a way to be open to constant change and that is in regards to anything really.  We are now supposed to expect rapid change and to go with the changes accordingly, if we do not it will get trickier and trickier to be able to function in this new world.  The world is a changing at lightning fast speed and we need to keep up. You can do it!


Sorry but the “Smart”electronics are not so smart for us.  From the surveillance to the health questions regarding emfs and more I feel people will be shocked at what is really going on with their devices.  I am sorry, in this day and age, are you really going to trust the mega corporations from all over the world that want to know every little thing there is to know about you….ah no I don’t think so…yes you may not have the newest gadget on the block, but, you also won’t be getting hacked and God knows what else.  If you value your privacy, think twice.  


I really, really, dislike saying this, but I feel that there are going to be a lot of cyber attacks happening on the internet with private corporations and in regards to the government and will be enhanced further due to the obvious distractions the government is having. This is not good and the people that want to screw around with the US, will, because now they know they can.  So our government is going to have to get it together extremely and I mean extremely fast.     I feel we are going to see the internet come down partially and and also fully numerous times this year.  How do you disconnect people?  So find other ways to stay connected, just in case.


A lot of people are still going to want to get out of dodge; regular people and celebrities, so we are going to see a lot and I mean a lot more people pass.  This may come in through the strong uptick of natural disasters, like earthquakes, floods, storms etc and also through the day to day of people just wanting and willing themselves to leave because they do not like it here anymore.  If one’s world loses it’s joy why would you want to live in it?  So this is why we need to move quickly to make the changes that are needed so we can try to get on track, so our world possibly doesn’t have to truly go through all of the challenging times to get back on track.  We can choose to move faster with a steadfast determination.

THE 1%

The big corporations and the 1% are probably feeling that no matter what happens to everyone else, they will be fine.  But I am here to say that they will not be able to escape what the Universe wants everyone to experience.  That old saying the bigger you are the harder you fall, is very,very true here.  So I feel also, that it is now up to them, to start making the necessary changes and to start truly spreading their wealth in productive and giving ways that helps everyone on the planet.  Many times human beings think that they are smarter and know better then nature, the earth and the Universe, but they do not, in every civilization we always usually find out, the hard way that we were way off.  So maybe in this time period we can actually change that ever repeating pattern of ego, greed, power and make some progress.  Go 2017!!!  : )


I believe that it is really important for Californians especially Southern Californians to keep up with their water conservation.  Even with stormy weather and rain, I feel that there are still too many people living there to be able to sustain the massive water usage.  Unfortunately, there is just too much water waste and I feel that water conservation is going to have to be practiced for years to come.  As long as there are the large numbers of people living in Southern CA, there will need to be consciousness over water use.

*        *        *

As I mention in readings, everyone is on a different path, but everything being mentioned here is for the overall state of what will be going on in general.

In my next installment

INTUITIVE PREDICTIONS 2017:  The Year of Vulnerability and More Enlightenment Part 2

I am really concerned about the economy and for small businesses especially, we are in very challenging times, especially with the erratic energy continuing, so please be smart, intuitive and aware in general and in the markets too and …expect anything….Also in regards to earthquakes.   as I mentioned last year the quakes are becoming deeper and more powerful, they are kind of to our core so make sure you have emergency supplies..stay positive but prepared…. more to come soon….

Peace and Love,

Guinevere XO



Copyright 2017 All Rights Reserved The Blogs of 2017 and 2016 The Year of Truth Part 1 and Part 2 are excerpts taken from Guinevere’s book.

Happy 2017!

Happy New Year!  

2017 The Year of Peace and Love

Here’s to the positive this year! 

As you know, it is up to each one of us individually and collectively as a whole, to create what we want!

Let us make 2017 The Year of Peace and Love!

Stay tuned for my 2017 Predictions

In the meantime, if you like, re-read my 2016 Year of Truth / Year of Extremes Parts 1 & 2

They still apply!  

Peace & Love 




I love that wonderful quote, “All things are possible, if you truly believe” 

I decided to write about the California drought this week, in the hopes that maybe it could help inspire others to make some changes in their life, through conservation, that could ultimately help everyone.

I will start by saying that I am not a doomsday person.  I believe in you and I and us, and I believe we are all capable of creating the changes in our own lives and in the world, especially when things are not going the way we want.  We all must stand in our own specific power and through that power, we can help others and change anything.  

Okay, so one of the things that I strongly feel needs to change now is, how much we humans can waste on a daily basis, from food to water and more.  There are all sorts of reasons why human beings continually do this, from not paying attention, to being too busy or to not really caring at all, whatever the reason, we need to shift our patterns and step into a new mindful reality.  We must choose to be conscious around the choices we make, which ultimately helps each and every one of us.  For we truly are all one, we are all in this together and we must look out for one another and by doing so, we can change our future on a global scale.

With that said.  Why wouldn’t you want to help Mother Earth to replenish, stay pure, clean and healthy, so that she remains beautiful and fruitful for all of us now and for future generations?




We, Southern Californians, are after all, living in pretty much a desert, a built up desert.  I think we forget that overall, because we have all the conveniences around our daily life, but the bottom line is, if you strip away all of the buildings, what is left?  A desert, a desert that is propped up by water that comes from a whole bunch of other sources and some not even from our state.  And until we get a whole lot of rain and snow pack (that I absolutely believe can happen, as anything is possible!) we must really see the reality of where we are at.  That it really is, serious business now, us and water.


Here are a couple of ideas that I started incorporating on a daily basis a while ago to help save water.  Obviously, some may resonate and some may not, but hopefully it will help you to find your own perfect ways to conserve.  It is also my belief that together we can do anything!

I love the feeling of luscious, green grass beneath my toes, who doesn’t?  But, for California right now, specifically, the lawn will unfortunately drink the precious water that you may want to actually drink in the future.  One must weigh the outcomes; on the one hand “pretty lawn” on the other hand “water to live” which one really makes more sense.  Right?  Please if you have a home and a grass lawn please try to shift into a desert landscape as soon as you can, when it is done well it can look really beautiful, while also helping to save our much needed water.

Please check out this article on yahoo.  A yard or garden doesn’t need to be grass to be beautiful:

I love how the thyme looks, this specifically shows, that there are alternatives.

Install low flow shower heads and low flow toilets, I believe this is mandatory in California, and may also be in effect for other states as well, but for any other states that don’t have it, this will automatically start helping you to conserve water.  Also, of course, the following is a given, but you would be surprised how many times it is ignored or not noticed.  Please make sure to check all of your faucets and pipes to make sure there are no leaks, that goes for running toilets as well, even if it’s a small leak, it adds up really quickly.  

I have been finding reusing water really helps me to see the bigger picture of sustainability.  How one seemingly small action can create a dynamic through the larger eco picture.  Meaning if I boil something and it’s still pretty much clean water (like if one boils eggs etc)  I will cool the water down and use it to water plants or clean some dishes or wash the floor.  If it is dirtier, I will use it accordingly, like to flush the toilet.  Nothing in a sense, goes to waste, everything is continually used in different ways for different things.  It is sustainable and quite ingenious, in how it wakes one up to really see and think in an even more environmentally conscious and friendly way.

I do not leave water running from the faucet when I am using it.  I turn it on and off as quickly as I can.  I also don’t run it at capacity,  I use a slower flow to use less. 

I use watered down dishwashing liquid by Ecover and BioKleen, when I am washing just a few things.  I find watering it down still cleans the dishes, but one doesn’t need a whole ton of water to rinse them off.  I am watching carefully to not have any water run needlessly down the drain. I try not to turn on the faucet full force and I try to have a light uniform flow for the sink and for the shower as well.  I am consciously watching that I am not using too much and I make sure my dishwasher is fully loaded before I use it and I do the same in regards to my laundry in the washing machine. 

I flush the toilet only when it is absolutely necessary, and I have been using the gray/captured shower water and my soapy hand wash laundry water to do that.   Once you start saving and re-using water, you will really notice how much you use on a daily/weekly basis. 

I use my hand wash last rinse water to water the plants.  I say the last rinse water so as to not put any chemicals that may be left from the detergent on your plants.  Even better yet, use a great natural soap for your laundry, that’s what I use.  I love the BioKleen and Seventh Generation product lines and no I am not affiliated with either one of them what so ever, other than loving their products.  : )

I have a little bottle of spring water that I use to rinse my toothbrush and I also use it to wash my face. I find that turning the tap water on, usually wastes more water then I need to use to clean off my toothbrush or rinse my face.  Also I have noticed that the automatic water faucets in a lot of public places, seem to run too long.  If you have the same kind of faucet at home, please check and see if there is a timer so that they can be adjusted to turn off more quickly.  

In the shower, I don’t leave the water running and sometimes, if I find I am not excessively dusty/sweaty I will jump in and out really quickly.  I water down my shampoo so I use less water to rinse the shampoo out and I also water down my body soap.  I will also turn the shower off while soaping up and then turn it back on to rinse off.  I keep a pail under the bathtub faucet for unused shower water that drips off the tap, that I can then use to clean the bathtub, the sink and also flush the toilet.

During my showers, I plug the bathtub to hold water and I always make sure I have my rubber mat down in the tub, so as to not slip in the shower with the water collecting.  Obviously, please take the normal steps that you would need to take to avoid slipping etc)  When I am done I fill the buckets/pails with the water that collected in the tub during my shower.  It does take a little bit of extra time and effort to do, but it is well worth it, as you will see just how much water you really use during your shower time and you will probably take a shorter shower because of it.  I never really realized how much water went down the drain until I started doing that.  What is really great from collecting shower water too, is that the gray water I collect really gives me the water to flush my toilet.  So I don’t waste any precious, clean water flushing a toilet and I really love that.

So this is what I am doing so far and as I mentioned I love the feeling of not letting water go to waste, while also using it in the most efficiently, sustainable way.  If I come up with or learn of any other ideas I will post them!  

Thank you so much for reading!  Until next time!

Love, Guinevere xo

 Posted May 25, 2015

Copyright Guinevere
 Disclaimer: Please note all written word/audio/video on this blog/website are the property of Guinevere/ / and are copyright protected.  If you choose to try, or take action or do something that is communicated on this blog/website it is solely your choice and responsibility.  Everything on the sites, , gintuits , you tube guineverechronicles , are of course for entertainment purposes only. Guinevere, will not be held responsible or liable for your own personal choices and actions.  Namaste