Posts Tagged: up tick
Happy Lunar New Year!
Yes….this will be a realistic assessment of our Now and what I feel is really going on for all of us. : )
But also please know, that I believe in Love and Light and possibilities that are endless, so please balance all as you read on!
2016: The Year of Truth! Part 1
It is February 8, 2016 the Lunar New Year and I was asked by a number of my clients to blog about what I feel is going on in our world and what is in store for all of us, so I am here to give some feelings and predictions for the coming year… and yes it is filled with my always positive optimism for our world, but, also with some realities, some pretty strong realities, especially if we all don’t start changing and moving into the direction that we are needing to go in and that means, ideally all of us and if not all, then most. We need to become a positive collective consciousness now, focused on what we want and we need, crucially, to get on the same page. Time literally is of the essence. Many of you know me from my intuitive work and how I work with each one of you to create. The following will be dealing with the realities we all are facing right now, in a sense, The Truth and some steps to make it work for you. : )
As I mentioned in a previous blog on the California drought, I am not a doom and gloom person and this is because I believe in the possibility of change and how changes in one’s thoughts and actions can absolutely change outcomes in regards to anything that is going on around us and in our lives, we have the power to do this. This is and always has been, how I live my life and how I do my work; that is specifically why many of you come to me and work with me, energetically we work together to help create what you want in your life. Like Abraham and Esther and Jerry Hicks have spoken about with The Law of Attraction, we are all co – creators… and with the Universe especially. Which is why it needs to be reiterated that this is what’s happening generally on a global scale and of course, specifics will be different for each of us.
I have never been one for outwardly and publicly predicting certain events, especially ones that may be particularly troublesome or worrisome and this is because I believe in choice and change in all things, in readings and in life. I also believe that we can manifest what we don’t want; if we think about something too much as already being set or having a given outcome, especially sometimes regarding world wide public predictions and especially if the prediction is looking at something negative or fearful. Through my own personal journey as an empathic intuitive I have learned, that nothing, I repeat, nothing is set in stone in this world. The important thing to remember in regards to predictions, any prediction, is that everything is changeable; that sentence in itself can bring in amazing possibilities for hope, change and new beginnings. Remember to never go to the fear in regards to any seemingly possible negative situation or prediction, instead go to okay, I will prepare just in case, but also, “what other choices do I have?” As I always say to everyone in my readings, I will always be very honest with you in what I feel is coming in, but also, I could be wrong, for I am not God / Source / Universe, I am only human, like you. All I can do is give you my truth and my assessment of the situation that is being looked at. I am always thankful when a reading is on point, for it truly is God / Source / Universe connecting and allowing me to properly understand what is being communicated.
So please use all of the following to possibly see and realize, but also use it to inspire, change and to continue to create miracles in your life no matter what may be going on. For Miracles truly happen everyday in regards to all things and in all ways! : )
It will be a year of crossroads for our own personal beliefs and also within our lives, this will be on a global scale. Nothing we know of will stay the same. We are going to find and this is for pretty much all of us, no matter who we are, the need to shift and change on a dime to stay in balance. The key will be how we look at it and deal with it all. As you know, everything is in our own hands, so watch and work with this and stay balanced no matter what.
This year will be about an awakening in regards to what really is. Everyone in a sense will not be allowed to be asleep any longer and this will be coming in sometimes through an up tick of hardships or lack of flow. The more opinionated or stuck a person is, the harder the lesson will need to come in and the more frustrated the person may be or become. Hmmm??? How does the Universe get our attention to change? Yes you got it. Are you going to stay in old processes and patterns and sink? Or are you going to change and swim? Yes? : ) So if you’re noticing a lot of tightly wound and frustrated people, especially right now, this is most likely one of the main reasons why.
Reality is going to hit everyone, no matter how much money you have in the bank, so just be aware and take the appropriate steps in one’s thought process etc. Society as a whole needs to chill and we need to become more tolerant, loving and forgiving human beings, as opposed to unfortunately many beings who are super impatient, rude, intolerant and spoiled. There really is no excuse for mistreatment of others in any way. Why would anyone want to see another being suffer in this world?
This year is the beginning of truly seeing everyone’s spirit as opposed to only seeing the physical body, which is where we have come from and been, meaning only seeing the physical reality. This is the year of Spirit. Seeing spirit shine. Remember that beautiful philosophy, treat others’ as you would like to be treated? This is meant in all ways and in all places, home, work, school. It is all about getting back to basics, back to what is truly important in this world, this is the Now; to connect all of us again in our human-ness, and this may come in for some, through various unpleasant things, but will ultimately lead us all to an amazing new beginning for our world. So keep the faith! : )
You will notice that the Truth will be coming out in all ways. More and more beings will see and sense manipulation. Anyone who has not been honest in their relationships or in their work or business will pretty much need to realize that they will not be able to keep things hidden for much longer, it will not be sustainable, if it hasn’t come out already, it will. Beings, who have built their lives around manipulations, will start to see their lies unravel and the truth, uncovered. This will also be in regard to any mistreatment, in any way, almost like an automatic karmic return. That goes for families and employers. Take care of your people and you will also be taking care of you.
It will finally be realized, that one can run, but you can’t hide from the Universe, when the Universe wants things out and in the open, it will happen….just another beautiful reason to be in your truth. : )
In 2016, please make taking care of you and your health a top priority, like never before. This is because, as we all know, if we don’t have our health we don’t have much of anything. Every day there is some new challenge popping up to be aware of, so the best course of action is to please make sure that you are in a healthy environment, (in more ways then one), that you are getting enough rest, that you are eating properly, (organically, and if not fully, then, as much as you can, please) and that you are boosting your immune system with super foods. Also checking in with a holistic doctor to find even more natural ways to boost your body’s health is especially perfect!
The divide between the haves and the have nots will become much more pronounced, until it reaches a tipping point, which is soon. The imbalance will not be able to go on for much longer, for it cannot sustain, at which time, all will change. It is all happening, because, the world needs to change now and it needs to change rapidly, we have no more time to waste on human BS and we all know, honestly what that BS is, ego, greed, power, etc. yes? BS unfortunately, can be everywhere, even in seemingly spiritual, new age people, businesses and situations etc. So please be aware, always go your gut, ask your questions, go with your intuition and try to only support the people and businesses that walk the talk truly. Put your focus, your money, where it will do the most good. Actions speak louder than words in this world, and if someone or something isn’t syncing up, trust it, you are sensing it for a reason. Personally if I am sensing or feeling something that I am unsure of or is off, I just ask a lot of questions and usually find through really looking and listening, all is revealed.
The more we all support, the people, places and businesses that are really on the right path and really get it and treat beings properly, the quicker everything economically can get on track. So find out and see, ask your questions, support who and what you want to see in the world. This will help create the needed changes rapidly.
Obviously, it has been very tricky in the market and I feel this will continue. This is bringing in the theme for the year that I mentioned which is Truth. So please take heed and be super smart regarding your money and where you are investing. The market is ready for a big correction and I do feel some of Edgar Cayce’s prophecies coming into play now. The financial world that we are in is not the old world, so please do act accordingly and don’t assume long standing practices are still the norm, those days are gone. Anything goes now. Be protective of you and your assets.
What’s really good, will be that we will finally be “awakening and really seeing” quite rapidly, the truth and because of this very dynamic, will be gaining an understanding of the bigger picture of our world and all that is. This is the time of the great balancing, know it and trust it, new beginnings start with each one of us individually, this is and will be the challenge for our world in 2016.
Check back for my next blog looking at 2016: The Year of Truth Part 2.
In the meantime, go after all that you wish to achieve no matter what!
Love and xo Guinevere