Posts Tagged: eq
Hello, I am having a little trouble sleeping tonight. Okay so, unfortunately I just heard about the 6.7 quake in Ecuador. Sending lots of love and light to everyone there. I have to mention that I feel like we are getting into core earthquakes now, meaning deep to the core of our earth kind of quakes. This is because of how I am feeling, I am once again feeling dizzy and kind of shaky too, so there may be a larger one on the way and it could be anywhere really. I am unfortunately feeling a lot of activity going on beneath us and an uptick in possibly larger quakes overall on the planet and I hope not, because there are already too many. : (
As I mentioned in the previous posts. All of these earth changes are coming in because we all need to start caring about living beings. This means human beings, animals, honeybees/insects, our plants, our earth, our oceans, our waters everywhere. Respect. Caring. Loving. Nurturing. We all know how to do this, we just all need to make the choice. So choose the world you want to live in. We have no time to lose. Yes? : )
Peace, Blessings and Love to All Who Live Here. XO
Please send love to our beautiful planet so it can heal!
Love, Guinevere xo
Hello Lovely Beings! xo
Just a quick blog. I know that our world is in some challenging times right now, so please just find a way to keep the faith. : )
May is coming in as possibly being more active, but hoping I am wrong.
Briefly, I don’t know if this is a part of my cleanse LoL but super dizzy today, so there could be an uptick in earthquake activity that may begin, it could be a little close meaning today or tomorrow, or a few days out as I have gotten it both ways in the past, it is not an exact science, yet. Before Japan’s big quake in 2011 it was a few days out. I am not sure if this is for California or elsewhere, as unfortunately I can tend to get these no matter where it is, but I am getting very strong physical feelings, so either it is big somewhere else or it could be closer to us. Either way, please, as you know, as I always say, hopefully there will not be any and I am wrong, but, just in case, please make sure you have water and supplies in your car and at home.
Will be writing more about what’s going on in our world, shortly. : )
Love, Guinevere