Hello Everyone!
I send lots of love and light to our beautiful world and all of you!
It is Wednesday June 1, 2016.
So as I mentioned in my previous posts regarding an uptick of stronger earthquakes and the double quake, that have now since been confirmed. My post on May 17, 2016 which was in regards to the double quake I felt was coming in and then happened in Ecuador, but also that I felt a cycle starting on May 17, 2016 into the future of more quakes with stronger core intensity as well. Mother Earth is kind of not happy with us and honestly, can you blame her. : (
I mention also and please, once again, not in a fear based way, but for preparation only; but I do feel, worriedly, that our planet is tipping and wobbling a bit. This comes in from how I am feeling, both physically and otherwise, so that says to me once again, volcanic activity and stronger earthquakes the core of our earth, kind of earthquakes, kind of not so good, because it will affect so many everywhere, but I once again mention to everyone to stay positive and just be prepared with emergency supplies, just in case, no matter where you live, because we are entering uncharted territory for our existence in this world.
Okay, will update accordingly.
In the meantime get prepared, move forward and stay positive. : )
Love and xo Guinevere